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ARTA Launches ConverSAID Live Classrooms

ARTA launches ConverSAID Live Online Classrooms By: Travis James, Conversaid Founder For years, the internet has made the world knowledge base more accessible. From accessible books and access tools like screen sharing, Voip phones, and video streaming, we’ve seen technology that have forever changed the day-to-day education for learners worldwide. One of the most recently developed technologies is Conversaid. ARTA, an website design & development network that connects learners and students to highly-trained, website design & development specialists, is available through a smartphone app or through ConverSAID - learning management system (LMS). Foreign speakers in the IT industry are being employed in the Boston, New York, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Denver, Austin epicenters with a vengeance and with the training support of CONVERSAID technology. ARTA delivers On-Demand access to…
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